Why I Created This Website
I decided to create this blog because I thought it would be nice to have a place to share my thoughts and experiences. I’ve often been helped by anonymous blog posts and tweets, so I’d be happy if I could help someone else in return. Of course, I also want to keep a record of my own learning. I’ll be taking it easy and enjoying the process!
Blog Content
In this blog, I’ll mainly write about the following topics:
- Software
- Data Analysis
- Troubleshooting and Solutions
- Everyday Life
Technologies Used
I created this site using the static site generator Hugo . I was surprised at how easy it was to set up.
The design is based on Hugoplate , customized to my liking. The Home page design is inspired by the popular Academic theme, and I used Tailwind CSS for styling. The colors for dark mode are inspired by One Dark Pro .
Code Management and Hosting
The source code is available at sosuts/sosuts.github.io . The site is hosted on Netlify . When I push to the main branch, it automatically builds and publishes the site. The repository is named sosuts.github.io because it was originally hosted on GitHub Pages. I should probably change it, but I’ve just left it as is. GitHub Pages worked fine, but I switched to Netlify to use Netlify functions for creating web APIs, so I wanted to keep everything on the same platform.